Recipe: Cauliflower Sloppy Joes

Posted by joseph on Mar 25th 2020

Recipe: Cauliflower Sloppy Joes

Cauliflower Sloppy Joes: not just for vegans.

When I was a kid, my least-favorite lunch at school was Sloppy Joe day. I mean, my name is Joe. You can imagine how much fun it was to go into the school cafeteria that day. I didn't eat them more than 2-3 times until I was an adult. One day, when I was living in Harlem, my friend Jack said he wanted Sloppy Joes for dinner. We met at the market and I already had a cart full of stuff – onions, tomatoes, ground turkey, etc. – when Jack got there and grabbed a can of Manwich. My non-Sloppy Joe-eating self never considered that we could buy a mix! LOL… it was one of those moments you see in the movies. He looked at me like I was crazy and I was dumbfounded.

Anyway, what does that have to do with this recipe? Not a lot, but it was a good story. Well, this recipe uses a mix as well. So, I guess it all makes sense. For those vegans who miss a good Sloppy Joe or the flexitarians who like a meatless meal every so often, this is a winner. Also, it might just be the smart move to get your kids to eat vegetables! I’m just saying…



  1. Combine Adda Veggie Protein Mix with riced cauliflower according to package directions to make a ground “meat”.
  2. Heat oil in a pan over medium-high heat and spread ground “meat” with spatula to cover the bottom of the pan. Using a spatula, break up and turn mixture until it is crumbly and browned, about 5 minutes.
  3. While the pan is still over the heat, add BBQ sauce and quickly stir to combine for 30 seconds. Remove from heat.
  4. Spoon mixture into toasted hamburger buns. Top with pickles and coleslaw and serve.